


Aura Humaine

Information essentielle sur l'aura humaine et l'alchimie. Les quatre volumes présentés ici constituent quatre piliers qui nous guident sur le sentier initiatique sous la direction des maîtres ascensionnés.


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Human Aura and Alchemy

Foundational information on the human aura and alchemy. The four books provided here form four pillars of understanding as a basis for the path of initiation under the ascended masters.

© The Summit Lighthouse, Inc

Keepers of the Flame Fraternity

Join the Keepers of the Flame to receive monthly lessons on spiritual law that will prepare you for the path of initiation. Be part of a worldwide group of students who receive the sponsorship of the ascended masters for dedication to bring light to earth.


Violet Flame TSL

Articles and videos on using Saint Germain's gift of the Violet Flame in decrees and affirmations to spiritualize, transmute, and uplift the energies in our world.

© Summit Publications