All Resources

Archangel Lessons

In these Free lessons, you will learn about the seven Archangels and how you can have them be of service to you to help you to improve in every area of your life.

© Summit Publications

Ascended Master Encyclopedia

From Atlantis to Zarathustra in nearly 1,800 articles, you'll find this treasure trove of knowledge a valuable asset for insight on your spiritual journey.

© The Summit Lighthouse

Ascended Master Glossary

Looking for the meaning of a specific spiritual word or terminology? Look no further. You're bound to find a good understanding and spiritually satisfying answer here!

© Summit Publications

Ascended Masters 101

Introductory videos about the Ascended Masters teachings.

© Kumara Creations

Aura Humaine

Information essentielle sur l'aura humaine et l'alchimie. Les quatre volumes présentés ici constituent quatre piliers qui nous guident sur le sentier initiatique sous la direction des maîtres ascensionnés.


Calgary Teaching Centre

We're a spiritual Community bringing the teachings of the Ascended Masters to spiritual seekers in Calgary to restore and develop our own divinity through spiritual living, meditation, affirmations & decrees.

© The Summit Lighthouse

Chakra Lessons

Using the science of the body’s subtle energy system, these lessons show you how you can activate, balance, cleanse and master the chakras with spiritual exercises, visualizations and mantras.

© Summit Publications

Free Violet Flame Ebook

Acquire a free ebook on the violet flame by signing up to the TSL newsletter


Gardiens de la flamme

33 leçons, 33 étapes initiatiques qui mènent au sentier de l'ascension. Vous aurez une plus grande compréhension du corps causal, du karma, de la flamme violette et de la science de l'invocation. Vous trouverez la signification de la flamme de la vérité et de la liberté. C'est une invitation à retrouver votre famille spirituelle.


Higher Consciousness

Introductory page with a description of the Chart of the Presence.


Human Aura and Alchemy

Foundational information on the human aura and alchemy. The four books provided here form four pillars of understanding as a basis for the path of initiation under the ascended masters.

© The Summit Lighthouse, Inc

I AM Discourses YouTube Channel

These works were dictated to Guy Ballard by Saint Germain


Karma Lessons

Understanding Karma and Reincarnation can help us to know the WHY of our relationships, aptitudes, assignments and purpose in this life. This will lead you to your AHA! moment.

© Summit Publications

Keepers of the Flame Fraternity

Join the Keepers of the Flame to receive monthly lessons on spiritual law that will prepare you for the path of initiation. Be part of a worldwide group of students who receive the sponsorship of the ascended masters for dedication to bring light to earth.


Knights and Ladies of the Flame

As young adults, ages 18-36, we study the teachings of the Ascended Masters together and explore practical ways in which to apply them to fulfill our potential in our daily lives.

© Summit Publications

Kumara Creations

In our online store, you will find a growing collection of meditation cards, coloring books, calendars, posters, apps and apparel that have been specifically created to assist you in diving deeper into some of the most crucial areas of ascended master teaching.

© Kumara Creations

Leçons sur les Archanges

Pour entrer en contact avec les archanges et recevoir leur aide et ainsi améliorer tous les aspects de votre vie. Le lien: Pour avoir accès aux 12 leçons, ouvrir le lien ARCHIVES: les enseignements du mois (à gauche du texte de la leçon 1) et dérouler la page jusqu'à la série Inviter les anges à faire partie de votre vie.

© Françoise Lapchuk

Le Phare du Sommet

Le site internet offre aux chercheurs spirituels les enseignements des maîtres ascensionnés. Ce sont de formidables outils spirituels pratiques pour contacter le Pouvoir de Dieu en chacun de nous et relever les défis personnels et planétaires de notre époque.

© Françoise Lapchuk

Le Phare du Sommet - Facebook

Le Phare du Sommet offre des réponses aux chercheurs spirituels en leur proposant des outils de transformation pour soi et le monde afin d'accélérer la manifestation de leur Réalité divine.


Lumière d’El Morya

La maison d'édition offre au public francophone des livres, des CD et d'autres ouvrages sur les enseignements des maîtres ascensionnés publiés par le Summit University Press.


Mark Prophet Modern Mystic

Read about the life of the remarkable Mark Prophet, modern mystic and founder of The Summit Lighthouse--his early life, contact with the ascended masters and many spiritual teachings, fireside chats and books.

© Summit Publications

Masters and Keynotes part I

A keynote is a piece of music that links to the divine identity of an ascended master. It helps you tune in to their vibration and creates a channel to receive their blessings.

© Golden Pathway

Masters and Keynotes part II

A keynote is a piece of music that links to the divine identity of an ascended master. It helps you tune in to their vibration and creates a channel to receive their blessings.

© Golden Pathway

Our Divine Potential

The Summit Lighthouse Virtual Group offers teachings, daily decree services and weekly study groups to support the seeker on their spiritual journey.


Pearls of Wisdom

Access to pearls of wisdom which are the dictations of the Ascended Masters in their original printed format.

© Summit Publications, Inc.

Sanat Kumara Story

Listen to a musical meditation and read the ancient story of Sanat Kumara's coming to the earth to save the sons and daughters of God who had lost their spiritual moorings. Were you part of the 144,000 who came with Sanat Kumara? This is the story of the ages.

© Summit Publications

Science of the Spoken Word

The Science of the Spoken Word as taught by the ascended masters and their messengers, Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet is a way to access the power of God. The science combines prayers, affirmations, mantras, meditations and visualizations with dynamic decrees.


Secret Rays

God has a “secret weapon” to purge darkness from the Earth and bring in a Golden Age of Enlightenment and Peace. It is you, it is me, it is us joining our spiritual forces and using effective tools needed for the hour.


Shambhala Temple of Light

Participate here on internet live and recorded Streams of weekly introductory classes on teachings of the ascended masters, the laws of karma and reincarnation, the aura, chakras, the Violet Flame and the power of the word through decrees.

© Summit Publications

Simone's Violet Flame Videos

A YouTube channel with Spiritual Videos about the violet flame recorded by Simone.

© Simone

Summit Lighthouse YouTube Channel

Universal truths form the foundation of the world's major religions. Take this wisdom of the ascended masters and accelerate your personal mystical path. Attain union with God through the ascension.


Summit University Freebies

Free units from various Summit University extension courses. Twin Flames and Soul Mates, Unveiled Mysteries, Cosmic Law, The Victory Way of Life and more.

© Summit University

The Golden Pathway

Here are many Tools and Resources designed to help the spiritual seeker to find the keys to order, balance, and harmony as we each navigate your own personal journey!

© The Golden Pathway

Toronto Teaching Centre

As an outpost of the teachings of the Ascended Masters in the Toronto area, we are dedicated to assisting others' and our own spiritual discovery of the limitless power of our inner self.

© The Summit Lighthouse

TSL Canada Youtube Channel

Videos for inspiration and instruction.

© Summit Lighthouse

TSL Community

A worldwide community of like-minded souls, unified in purpose and separated only by time and space. Here you'll find Teaching Center and Study Group locations and information.

© Summit Publications

TSL Heritage Collection

The Heritage Collection is made up of Lectures, Presentations, Songs, Devotions and Dictations that have occurred since the founding of the Summit Lighthouse Organization.


TSL Store

Online sales of books, CDs, art and much more.

© Summit Lighthouse

Universities of the Spirit

Where does your soul travel to when you are sleeping? You can request that it be the universities of the spirit where important lessons can be learned and blessings received.


Violet Flame

The highest frequency of light, the mystical Violet Flame, contains the miracle of transmutation. Making this practical can be the key to healing at every level of being.

© The Summit Lighthouse

Violet Flame TSL

Articles and videos on using Saint Germain's gift of the Violet Flame in decrees and affirmations to spiritualize, transmute, and uplift the energies in our world.

© Summit Publications

Your Divine Self

Learn about your divine self and how the Chart of the Presence depicts your spiritual present and future.