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A keynote is a piece of music that links to the divine identity of an ascended master. It helps you tune in to their vibration and creates a channel to receive their blessings.
© Golden Pathway
A keynote is a piece of music that links to the divine identity of an ascended master. It helps you tune in to their vibration and creates a channel to receive their blessings.
© Golden Pathway
Participate here on internet live and recorded Streams of weekly introductory classes on teachings of the ascended masters, the laws of karma and reincarnation, the aura, chakras, the Violet Flame and the power of the word through decrees.
© Summit Publications
The highest frequency of light, the mystical Violet Flame, contains the miracle of transmutation. Making this practical can be the key to healing at every level of being.
© The Summit Lighthouse
Articles and videos on using Saint Germain's gift of the Violet Flame in decrees and affirmations to spiritualize, transmute, and uplift the energies in our world.
© Summit Publications